IECSC Las Vegas Educator Spotlight: Nancy Griffin

Nancy Griffin is the CEO of Glowing Older, a life coaching firm for planning to age well. She has 30 years of experience in the spa and wellness industry, beginning at Cornell Hotel School where she performed research for the International Spa Association. She combines her experience in wellness with a focus on helping people live their best into their third act of life. Her Glowing Older podcast is in its 18th Season, featuring conversations on innovation in aging well. Committed to promoting positive aging, Griffin founded #ExposeAgeism, a movement to combat ageism in the spa and wellness. Nancy will be speaking at the upcoming IECSC Las Vegas show taking place from June 22-24, 2024 at the Las Vegas Convention Center.

IECSC Las Vegas Class: Boomers are Big Business! Marketing Spa and Wellness to Older Adults

What makes you passionate about your class topic? 

I have been passionate about the topic of marketing to older adults since starting my podcast Glowing Older in 2020. With more than 10,000 Americans turning 65 every day, spas will ignore this growing demographic at their peril. My goal is to educate older adults on the benefits of spa treatments, and spas on the benefits of catering to older adults.

If you could attend one class at IECSC Las Vegas (besides yours), which would it be and why?  

Creating Instagram Reels That Get Results with Barry Eichner and Jenni Nagle. I love what Barry and Jenni have done with Lipgloss + Aftershave, and I would love their advice on becoming an IG content creator.  

What brands are you most interested in checking out on the IECSC Las Vegas show floor?  

I love seeing what’s new with the iconic skin and body brands like Eminence Organic Skin Care, Circadia, Pure Fiji and FarmHouse Fresh, and retail brands like VitaJuwel and Cimber Designs semiprecious jewelry.  

What's in your beauty bag or travel carry-on?

A reusable water bottle, Beekman 1802 Pure Goat Milk Facial Cleansing Wipes, earplugs, Body Bliss CBD Magnesium, LaFlore Probiotic Serum, Knesko Collagen Eye Masks.

For readers who have never attended an industry trade show, what’s the number-one reason they should attend? 

It is always nice to see what’s new on the exhibit floor, learn from industry experts, and network with peers in spa, skincare, and wellness. It is good to get out of your environment and shake things up! 

To attend Nancy's class or any of the classes offered at IECSC Las Vegas, be sure to register here to attend IECSC Las Vegas from June 22-24, 2024. What's more, use code AMERICANSPA to get 20% off education classes.